Independent Checking

We offer design checking and independent advice for all your temporary works requirements and have gained industry confidence by providing economical, safe and practical designs. Through our experience we understand the importance of providing engineered solutions that do not compromise the integrity of the permanent works.

IDH operates a category 2 & 3 design checking service across all externally produced temporary works schemes.

With our extensive temporary works design experience, we can confidently identify designs that will succeed, and those which require modification to be compliant.

For a Category 2 check we will require the original design brief, drawing and calculations, and will provide a check certificate upon completion with recommendations on compliancy as necessary.

For a Category 3 / Third Party Check, we only require the design drawing and design brief, and we will undertake independent calculations to verify the design. A check certificate along with accompanying calculations will be produced, with comment as required.

We have a track record of undertaking CAT 3 checks for large schemes and complex temporary works, as well as completing Network Rail and London Underground (TFL) design compliancy forms.

To help identify your requirements, please see the checking categories table as set out in BS5975:2019.